Linda Recca has had to make tough choices regarding her brother, Kenny. After the passing of their mother 11 years ago, Linda took over as the decision maker for her brother. Although Kenny had been living in assisted care, it was still a big change for the family.
With mixed emotions, Linda came to St. Louis Center in her search for finding a home for Kenny that would suit his needs and the needs of their close knit family. In May of 2021 Ken became a resident of St. Louis Center, and Linda could not be more pleased how things have turned out. Kenny quickly adjusted to his new home and Linda feels at ease having him somewhere he is so happy.
Making the Center Home
Not only has the Center become a home for Kenny, it has also become a place that Linda feels welcomed. Quickly, Linda became part of the SLC Family association. The Family Association is comprised of loved ones of the Center’s residents. As a part of the Association, Linda has begun to volunteer in many aspects of the Center.
The Fall Dinner Auction was her first major task. She enjoyed being a part of a major fundraiser that will help the Center where her brother lives. Linda was able to attain many donations for the silent auction, and was a vital part of the planning and execution of the event. Sorting of donations is also a volunteer opportunity that Linda has helped with. In the spring, Linda will be joining the planning of the annual Golf and Glory event.
Keeping the Sibling Bond Strong
Linda and Kenny have a strong connection that you can immediately see. Both are bubbly and sweet, with a heart of gold. Growing up together, they have formed a bond for life. Although Kenny is at SLC, their bond remains strong.
Kenny is a sweet soul. Not being interested in electronic devices, one thing Kenny loves to do is talk. While visiting the Center, you can find Linda with Kenny just chatting up the day. Linda looks forward to her daily phone calls from Kenny while he is waiting for his ride from work.
A lot of times when he calls he will tell me what he did for the day and he is so excited and asks me if I’m proud of him.
Linda recalls her daily conversations with Kenny, “It just tickles my heart. Every day while Kenny is waiting at McDonald’s for the bus to pick him up he always calls me. A lot of times when he calls he will tell me what he did for the day and he is so excited and asks me if I’m proud of him. It makes my heart smile and I always tell him how very proud we are of him. He definitely loves to do a good job. He was excited today when he called me because he said his boss told him that he was doing very well.”
Linda and Kenny – Resilience of the Heart
Moving a family member out of your home or to a new facility is a brave move. Together, through their sibling bond and friendship, Linda and Kenny remain resilient throughout every situation. Linda feels that she made the right move for Ken, and he is so happy and pleased to be at the Center.
Linda says, “My favorite thing is I feel confident that he is well taken care of. It is a good feeling that he has another family there and I feel comfortable leaving him, no matter how hard it is.”
Read more Stories of #SLCresilience here!

79% of donations received go to the care of the Center’s residents.
According to the 2020 audit, St. Louis Center administrative and overhead expenses were only 21%, in line with well-managed nonprofit best practices. You can be confident that your donation to the Center is going to good use.
St. Louis Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID: 38-6038121