Residents put on a performance with Open Spot Theatre at St. Louis Center!

A Theatre Program for People of All Abilities

Since 2012, Open Spot Theatre has proudly taught people of ALL abilities music and movement therapy. Theatre classes are designed for everyone, from students with developmental disabilities to seniors. Classes are led by trained instructors who are professionals in theatre, sign language, and/or special education. Singing, acting, and dancing are included in all our programs, along with sign language interpretations.

St. Louis Center paired with Open Spot Theatre before 2020, but the pandemic put a damper on allowing the program. One resident’s parent, Amy L. took it upon herself to raise the funds to bring this program back after seeing the benefits of music and dance in her daughter’s life. This is the second performance of 2023.

Residents Take a Road Trip

Want to take a drive to California? The residents of St. Louis Center did, so they wrote a play about it. With the help of Open Spot Theater, residents constructed a play about taking a long drive from their home to California.

Characters Charlie Brown, Black Panther, and Princess Fiona head out across the county on trip to see California. Along the way the run into other people who want to see California also. First stop was a gas station, which was needed to fuel the car and their bellies with their favorite snacks. The store clerk asks where they are going and decides to join the trip.

Next stop, Branson Missouri. Here they run into the ghosts of Patrick Swayze and Lawrence Welk. After a short performance of their songs and dance movies, these characters also join on the trip.

The last stop before California is Las Vegas! Here they pick up more friends including, Madonna, three Elvis impersonators, and two Micheal Jackson impersonators.

Finally, the group reached their destination of California. They are welcomed by sports stars Micheal Jordan, Lebron James, and Paul Gasol.

The group enjoyed their trip and ended the performance with a musical number of Here Comes the Sun that was performed vocally and in sign language.

It was a touching experience for all who were involved, and the night ended with the crowd cheering and many smiles filled the room. Before heading back to their homes, residents enjoyed a cookie and juice along with congratulating the “actors” on their performances.

A part of this post is on page 6 of St. Louis Center’s 2023 Annual Report.

Read St. Louis Center 2023 Annual Report

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