A time of transition… Letter from Fr. Enzo

Dear friends,

We know there is a the time when we start a project and also a time when we need to transition the activities to other hands.

Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC; and Fr. Satheesh Alphonse, SdC

Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC, offering support to Fr. Satheesh Alphonse, SdC when he first arrived at St. Louis Center in 2005.

The last 18 years have been thriving years for St. Louis Center.

With the celebration of the 50th anniversary of St. Louis Center, a new future has taken place. The new world of providing services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) has been duplicated in many areas of the country.

There are still many other projects to be accomplished and it is good that younger confreres with a lot of physical energy take over for the ongoing growth of the Center in such a way that the Center will continue to be a Lighthouse of Hope for so many families who always question “who will take care of my son/daughter, once I am gone?”

For the first year of the transition, I will still be around to give support to Fr. Satheesh who is the new CEO of St. Louis Center.

I want to thank all of you for the love, commitment, and support you have given me during the last 18 years. It has been because of you that I was able to serve the Center, its residents, and their families envisioning something new.

Please continue to be involved in proclaiming the dignity of the lives of the people entrusted to our care.

May God bless you,


Fr. Enzo Addari, SdC, Former CEO

Press Release – November 30, 2023

St. Louis Center CEO Transition on December 1st, 2023

Click here for a downloadable PDF of the press release below.

For questions or concerns, please contact Peggy Cole, Director of Development and Communications, either by emailing her at mcole@stlouiscenter.org or by calling (734) 475-8430.