Employee Benefits
St. Louis Center’s doors are always open to individuals who feel they can make a difference in the lives of the Center’s residents. The work can be challenging, but also rewarding. Here, employees understand that they have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of those with disabilities every day. Read below for a more detailed list of employee benefits St. Louis Center has to offer.
“The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.” Mother Teresa
These are just a few of the employee benefits we offer. Of course, the greatest benefit of all is working as part of our family in a meaningful career.
It is the policy of St. Louis Center that, as the organization continues to expand and grow, we will endeavor to fill new job opportunities from among the current employees, provided, in St. Louis Center’s judgment, a fully qualified person is available. Wherever possible depending on qualifications, current staff will receive first consideration for available positions.
Medical/Dental Insurance
All full-time employees may elect to enroll in medical and dental plans, after completion of a three-month period commencing with the date of hire, or successful completion of the trial period, including any extensions, whichever period is greater. St. Louis Center covers 85% of the insurance premium for the employee only, and 70% of spouse and dependent coverage.
Vision Insurance
A deeply discounted policy is offered at the employee’s expense.
Salaried employees receive the following paid holidays while hourly employees that work these holidays are paid time and a half:
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Years Eve
Paid Time Off (PTO)
Paid Time Off (PTO) provides employees with the flexibility to use their time off to meet personal needs while recognizing individual responsibility to manage paid time off.
Work Here – FAQs
Who can I speak with about working at St. Louis Center?
Contact Human Resources Director, Tom Arbanas, by phone 734-475-8430 or email thomasa@stlouiscenter.org, about working at St. Louis Center.
How do I apply to work at St. Louis Center?
Review job opportunities here. You may fill out the application form here.
1. What is St. Louis Center?
St. Louis Center is a caring residential community for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities grounded in compassion and the understanding that all people are equal in dignity, regardless of ability. With kindness, patience, personalized services and abundant opportunities, the residents of St. Louis Center are encouraged and supported to reach their full human potential. We share many of life’s milestones including celebrations, prayers, work, play, and meals as do families. This family atmosphere that we provide fosters security, independence, and healthy development.
St. Louis Center is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and has a robust history of continuously improving its services and programs.
Learn more about our Mission & History.
2. Does St. Louis Center offer benefits?
Yes. St. Louis Center offers:
- Full Health Benefits
- Dental / Vision
- Promotion from within
- Paid Time Off (PTO)
For more details, contact Thomas Arbanas, Human Resources Director.
3. What is direct care work?
Direct care workers at St. Louis Center are employees that provide compassionate care to the people who reside at the Center’s campus or who attend the day program. The responsibilities and tasks of these employees are dependent upon the specific individuals in their care. Some people require a high level of assistance while others are more independent.
Some responsibilities of Direct Care Workers:
- Foster the mission of St. Louis Center
- Plan and monitor resident activity
- Ensure security while providing routine time checks that are essential to daily tasks
- Facilitate residents’ community involvement, with concern for personal growth and safety
Read more about Direct Care Work at St. Louis Center here.
4. What programs or activities does St. Louis Center facilitate for its residents?
St. Louis Center offers a wide array of programs and activities for its residents that service their emotional, physical, and stated spiritual needs.
Activities of daily living (ADL) include but are not limited to:
- Instruction in self-care
- Life-skills training (communication and relationship-building, cooking, cleaning, etc.)
- Work activities on- and off-campus
- Supervised, independent, or competitive opportunities to exercise and move more on- and off-site through “Fitness for Life”
- Non-directive therapy in the soothing, yet stimulating Snoezelen Room for residents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Programs to address the spiritual needs of residents
- Art activities
- Enrollment in formal schooling through the Chelsea School District including maintaining close working relationships with residents’ teachers and counselors
- Academic support
- Field trips to local parks, dining out at local restaurants, visits to the Chelsea Public Library, theaters, street fairs (Chelsea’s Sounds and Sights weekly summer street festival), movies, and Tigers and Lugnuts games
- Saturday Morning Challengers Bowling League in Ann Arbor, sponsored by St. Louis Center
- Participation in Kiwanis Aktion Club, a club for people with I/DD that promotes leadership development, and in activities organized by the Knights of Columbus and the Chelsea Rotary
- Participation in Michigan Special Olympics
5. On a typical day, what does a St. Louis Center resident do?
Activities vary, depending upon the resident’s age and disability:
During the academic year, residents who attend school are transported to and from school by the public school system. St. Louis Center adult residents under the age of 26 attend the Young Adult Programs of the local school systems which provide them with academic support, life skills training, recreational activities, and volunteer opportunities. In the late afternoon and evening, they enjoy socializing with one another, working out on-site or at the Chelsea Wellness Center, going on field trips, or engaging in special events.
Often, high school youth groups, 4-H, or other community groups come to St. Louis Center to play and interact with the residents in the evening and on the weekends. These mutually beneficial activities normally take place out of doors or in the gym, depending upon the weather. Residents with more severe disabilities are provided one-on-one support throughout the day, both at school and at St. Louis Center.
The majority of residents who are no longer in school are employed in the community, either through private employment or through the Washtenaw County Community Support Treatment Services (CSTS). St. Louis Center’s social work staff endeavor to facilitate regular community employment opportunities for adults living at St. Louis Center. Residents enrolled in CSTS perform regular community volunteering, supporting such agencies as Faith-in-Action, Goodwill, Meals on Wheels, and local churches.
St. Louis Center operates a Day Program five days a week from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Day Program is set-up for St. Louis Center residents not in school or working and for individuals receiving respite care at the Center. Day Program staff strives to ensure that each participant is engaging in activities that support his or her individualized needs.
Day Program activities include delivering Meals on Wheels, art, recycling, cooking, sorting and organizing donated food and other items, making decorations for special events, maintaining the agency bulletin board, gardening, reading, walking, playing board games, going on field trips, music therapy, ballet, and entertaining guests.
Like everyone, the people who live at St. Louis Center enjoy integration with their families on weekends, holidays, and vacations, going out, engaging in meaningful activities, being with their friends, and working.
See more about resident activities under Live Here – FAQ #8.
6. How do the residents of St. Louis Center spend their summers?
During the summer months, school-age residents are provided with safe, fun-filled enrichment activities, including excursions and field trips. Some residents qualify for the “extended school year” and attend school until the middle of August while others attend summer school. Each year, St. Louis Center raises funds at its annual Fall Auction & Dinner to help offset the cost of one week of overnight camp for many residents.
Residents who are employed continue their work throughout the summer months but participate in the late afternoon, evening and weekend activities planned to make their summers enjoyable and enriching.
Staff Appreciation
Tell us when you catch someone caring.
St. Louis Center is a busy place. Residents are constantly coming home and going into the community. Employees play a large part in helping residents thrive. There are many kindnesses and good deeds that happen behind the scenes. In order to encourage recognition of a job well done, we invite employees and community members to tell us when you catch someone caring.
Just send us a note that describes an occasion where you witnessed something outstanding. Whether it be brightening a resident’s day in some way or picking up an extra shift to help a fellow employee out. Every small, good deed deserves at least a pat on the back because we know there can never be enough given!