Lee, Linda Recca, and Ken at St. Louis Center’s Trunk or Treat.
Living in a vibrant city full of opportunities is a real blessing for the residents of St. Louis Center. Being part of the Chelsea community is essential for the residents of St. Louis Center. It provides them with a sense of belonging, purpose, and fulfillment, promoting self-esteem and confidence, which are vital for overall well-being. Through community involvement, individuals with ID/D can develop friendships and contribute to a greater purpose, while the community can benefit from their unique strengths and abilities.
Their involvement promotes inclusion and diversity while contributing to the well-being of the community. Through community involvement, they also become more independent and responsible, learning valuable life skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Linda, along with other residents, happily deliver meals to community members through the Meals on Wheels program.
A group of residents and staff joined in at the Chelsea Fair parade, waving and sending smiles to the crowds.
Their float was a lifeguard theme. Our Direct Care Workers are “life savers” – and resident passed out lifesaver candies to guests!
St. Louis Center residents and staff joined forces to open the campus to a community Trunk or Treat event. This event featured trunks hosted by community members and a large haunted house for everyone to enjoy. Even the food for dinner was spooky themed! Residents and guests finished out the night with dancing to music from the DJ.
Mike, Lee, Michelle Mikolajczyk, and Stanley greeted passersby at the Sights and Sounds event. Michelle, Community Engagement Specialist, brought these men along with her to talk about the great work that St. Louis Center provides to people with I/DD. She attends these events through the summer, and the nights always consist of great conversations.
Sherri Rizzo and her therapy dog Zeeva visited the residents during an Aktion Club meeting at St. Louis Center. Residents enjoy the chance to connect with Zeeva. Therapy animals are a great resource for people with I/DD.
Have fun and do good when you volunteer for events and activities with St. Louis Center residents!
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This post is on page 15 of St. Louis Center’s 2022 Annual Report.
Read St. Louis Center 2022 Annual Report
If this article or any of the stories of inspiration shared in St. Louis Center’s Annual Report move you, please consider a donation of any amount in support of the Center’s Benevolent Care fund.
St. Louis Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Federal Tax ID: 38-6038121.
77% of donations received go to the care of the Center’s residents.
According to the 2022 audit, St. Louis Center administrative and overhead expenses were only 23%, in line with well-managed nonprofit best practices. You can be confident that your donation to the Center is going to good use.