St. Louis Center housekeeping staff go above and beyond every day to make sure the residents have a clean and sanitized environment to call home.
An important role in health and wellness
Health and wellness of St. Louis Center residents is a priority for all staff. Everyone at St. Louis Center plays an important role in achieving this priority. With the changes and upgrades that have been made to properly sanitize the Center since 2020, one group has become the unsung heroes of keeping everyone happy and healthy.
With a combined longevity of over 20 years, Tammy Walz and Laurie Mathews work diligently each day to make the Center clean and healthy. Tammy and Laurie, along with their housekeeping team, are tasked with the general housekeeping of the entire St. Louis Center campus.
Tammy Walz
13 years ago, Tammy joined the Center as a kitchen staff member. While serving in the United States Army, Tammy was a mess hall cook keeping her fellow soldiers’ belly’s full and ready for service, which made her a great asset in the Center’s kitchen. She loved working in the kitchen because of the interactions she had on a daily basis. In 2018, Tammy was ready for a change. Not wanting to leave the Center, Tammy joined the housekeeping team. Although her job has changed, she still enjoys the daily interaction with the residents.
“The best part of my job is the interaction with residents. They do not judge. When treated with kindness and love they love you right back. They are always glad to see you.” – Tammy Walz
Tammy sees the importance in her role as a housekeeper. She states “The residents live here; this is their home! It is my job to make it as nice and comfortable as possible. Having a clean environment really sets their mood for the day. Knowing someone cares enough about you to keep your space clean is enough to brighten anyone’s day.”
In her off time, Tammy enjoys spending time with those she loves. Her favorite summer activity is camping, and she also loves a game of cards with her family.
Laurie Mathews
As a mom to one daughter and grandmother to one grandson, Laurie Mathews loves to take care of people. In her 10 years at St. Louis Center, Laurie has worn many hats. Starting as a direct care worker, she switched to housekeeping 5 years ago because it better suited her family schedule. Laurie has enjoyed the new career path because she still has meaningful interactions with the residents on a daily basis.
It gives Laurie a great feeling of accomplishment knowing she is making the Center a better place for the residents. Coming to activities and watching the residents enjoy their lives is something Laurie cherishes along with the fond memories she has made at the Center.
“St. Louis Center housekeeping staff are great role models for the residents. They help to teach everyone to take pride in cleanliness and hygiene which helps to keep everyone more healthy.” – Tom Arbanas
To learn more about working with an amazing team like St. Louis Center’s housekeeping crew, or to apply to become part of the Center’s staff, click here.
This post is on page 6 of St. Louis Center’s 2021 Annual Report 2021.
Read St. Louis Center 2021 Annual Report
If this article or any of the stories of inspiration shared in St. Louis Center’s Annual Report move you, please consider a donation of any amount in support of the Center’s Benevolent Care fund.
St. Louis Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Federal Tax ID: 38-6038121.
79% of donations received go to the care of the Center’s residents.
According to the 2020 audit, St. Louis Center administrative and overhead expenses were only 21%, in line with well-managed nonprofit best practices. You can be confident that your donation to the Center is going to good use.