Friday, September 16th, St. Louis Center Aktion Club members attended the Michigan District Aktion Club Convention in Vestaburg, MI.
Aktion Club is a Kiwanis sponsored service club for adults with disabilities, providing leadership opportunities and a chance to give back to the community. St. Louis Center Aktion Club has 24 members and is led by Advisor Carlie Hartwick with the help of Chelsea Kiwanis Board Member Gordon Schleicher.
We decorated a surfboard. All of our members worked on it. I won best poster for the one that I drew at the event. It was a long drive, but it was worth it … I had fun! -Jacqui
Carlie and Gordon, along with St. Louis Center staff Haylie Moran and Hannah Amaro, took 12 members of the St. Louis Center Aktion Club to the convention. The convention was a Western/ Pink Flamingo theme, complete with all attendees sporting bright pink cowboy hats. The St. Louis Center Aktion Club participated with several other Michigan based clubs in line dancing, western themed yard games, a dunk tank, crafts, leadership training, a campfire, and a dance party at the end of the night.
Throughout the convention, members learned about what it means to be a strong leader and the importance of serving others.
Clubs shared their experiences, what service projects they have enjoyed, and what they hope to accomplish in the next year.
St. Louis Center Aktion Club members left the convention feeling proud to be a part of this important organization, and inspired to make a difference in their own community.
This article appears in the Fall 2022 issue of St. Louis Spirit newsletter.
You can read it online or download the issue in its entirety here.
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