St. Louis Center has grown since its founding just as children grow throughout their life. The needs of people served by SLC change with the times, driving the evolution of the Center to adequately meet these needs.
In 1992 when Steven Doan first arrived at SLC he was still a teenager and attended public school. His mother Janet, a single mother, was thrilled. She needed help. “They were a lifesaver for me. They saved me!” she said. Steven liked it here and Janet thought it was a great place. He enjoyed an active and happy life while he was in school.
In 2005 when Steven graduated, there were not many programs in place for adults with I/DD. Fearing he would not be very active, Janet moved Steven to a group home that seemed to suit his needs in those days. Over time, however, it was clear that his lifestyle was not very active. Janet tried for years to find a new placement, but the social worker said there were just no openings.
Finally, she decided to take matters into her own hands and she called SLC. The timing was perfect! The programing met his needs and there was an opening for Steven.
“I was so relieved to get him back to SLC. He seems so happy to be back.” – Janet Doan, Steven’s mom
Kevin McMullen has a similar story. When he was a boy, he was good friends with another boy with I/DD who lived in their neighborhood. The boy’s mother told Linda, Kevin’s mom, about the school he was attending and how happy they were with the services there. That school was St. Louis Center. Soon Kevin was a student there too and enjoyed SLC all those years ago. Linda said, “SLC was there for me at the right time. Kevin was ready for it. He had been lonely since his siblings entered high school and were busy with their own lives.”
When he aged out of school, Linda placed him in various homes that proved to be only semi-permanent solutions. When the group home where he had been living closed, it was necessary to find a permanent home for Kevin. Since Linda knew the great care that SLC provides, she decided to look into the options currently available. There was a perfect fit for Kevin at St. Joseph Hall and he moved in April 27, 2021.
“SLC has permanence. This will be Kevin’s home for the long term.” – Linda McMullen, Kevin’s mom
Kevin is very happy to be back at the Center and even more excited that Social Services helped him to find a job at a local pizza shop, Marco’s Pizza in nearby Grass Lake. Linda said, “I am so fortunate. St. Louis Center does a good job planning activities and outings. I know I can trust the Center to care for him.”
This post is on pages 12 and 13 of St. Louis Center’s 2021 Annual Report 2021.
Read St. Louis Center 2021 Annual Report
If this article or any of the stories of inspiration shared in St. Louis Center’s Annual Report move you, please consider a donation of any amount in support of the Center’s Benevolent Care fund.
St. Louis Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Federal Tax ID: 38-6038121.
79% of donations received go to the care of the Center’s residents.
According to the 2020 audit, St. Louis Center administrative and overhead expenses were only 21%, in line with well-managed nonprofit best practices. You can be confident that your donation to the Center is going to good use.