Laura Rayer in a Mardi Gras maskTo help fill the lives of the residents with fun, the staff helps the residents enjoy holidays to the full. Laure Rayer, Activities Coordinator, made sure the residents enjoyed Mardi Gras Festivities. The residents had the opportunity to wear festive masks,

Day Program staff planned a selfie-filled Valentine’s Day celebration. The day was kicked off with Adaptive Dance class led by Macks. After dance class, the residents made crepe paper flowers and colored Valentine’s greetings to give or display. The highlight of the event was the ‘selfie station’.

Between the Family Association and Laura, St. Patrick’s Day did not go unnoticed. Family members of the residents brought treats for the St. Louis Center staff. It is a small way they show their appreciation for the hard work on behalf of their loved ones. Laura made sure that amidst the celebration of the green, the residents also had fun treats and crafts to make.


Read the entire issue of St. Louis Spirit here!

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