Wheels on the Van Go Round and Round
Residents of St. Louis Center love giving back to those in the community. They began helping with Meals on Wheels in 2016. There was a pause on the program during the pandemic, but happily the residents are back in full force delivering food to some of the community’s most vulnerable seniors five days a week.
Thanks to a $6,000 grant from the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation (AAACF), the residents are able to continue their participation in this service to the community. This grant helps to cover transportation costs and staff that insures residents can get the food and get it delivered safely. With the rising cost of gas and without the help of the AAACF, the residents would not be able to continue this endeavor.
Residents Love to Serve Others
A St. Louis Center employee, Ashley Cavill, has been involved with the program from the beginning.
“The residents love going and helping. Every morning they remind me ‘we have meals today at 10:30 a.m., right?’ They love helping the people who need help.” – Ashley Cavill
Residents of St. Louis Center who are involved in the program understand the responsibility they carry – and are dedicated. Their days become more about giving back versus focusing on their own needs, needs that are so often met by the kindness of others.
Robert Walker is another SLC employee who has assisted residents with deliveries. He saw how seriously they take their delivery role when he went along for the first time. “A resident was able to help navigate to the houses,” said Walker. The residents have been able to gain confidence and sharpen many of their skills.
The Community Appreciates the Residents
Likewise, meal recipients seem to enjoy the deliveries, too. “We have delivered to the same homes (from the beginning), so we know them and they know us, always with a smile on their faces and ours,” said Cavill.
“It’s a joy to have the SLC group support Meals on Wheels. They are a great asset to the program and have formed friendships with our seniors. They really care about people on their delivery route and will express concern when someone is not on their route for the day.” – Mary Erskine, the Senior Nutrition Program Site Coordinator
Through this generous grant, the AAACF shows their commitment to the entire community. This grant is a direct benefit to St. Louis Center residents and an indirect benefit to the greater Chelsea community. We are deeply appreciative to AAACF for helping to keep the wheels on the van spinning.