The St. Louis Center Aktion Club was chartered over a decade ago and continues to thrive on campus. In 2020, like everything else, activities were at a minimum. Since restrictions have been lifted, the Aktion Club has slowly been getting back into action – doing good and learning how to do even more good.

Aktion Club leadership in a meetingOn January 4th Kiwanis International sent a representative to the Aktion Club meeting of the leadership team to help them identify ways they can help and organizations that could benefit from their generosity. a stack of sealed Valentines

The entire St. Louis Center Aktion Club gathered on Thursday, February 10th to prepare to spread good wishes on Valentine’s Day. They made cards for the St. Louis Center staff who provide them care for their daily needs. They colored the cards and stuffed them into envelopes with some sweet treats. They delivered the Valentines to very appreciative staff members on Monday, February 14th.

How did you show your appreciation for the ones you love this year on Valentine’s Day?

If you would like to learn more about Kiwanis Aktion Clubs please visit Aktion Club.
If you are interested in volunteer opportunities at St. Louis Center please let us know by submitting your interests on the form below!