Give Here Icon 2023 Benefactor MATCH

  • Amount of MATCH met: 112% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!% 112% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%

THANK YOU for helping St. Louis Center meet this match!



A generous donor is
matching all donations
of $1,000 to $50,000.
Help St. Louis Center meet the challenge match!


Every $1,000 donation is being matched.

A very generous anonymous donor has offered to MATCH all donations $1000 and up! St. Louis Center continues to face increased staffing, maintenance, and structural needs even as demand for services continues to rise. If you help now your support is DOUBLED.

Each $1,000 donation helps cover the cost of nearly four days of benevolent care for one resident. The Center relies on the generosity of donors to raise 50% of its operating budget each year–about $3.6 million. These donations help provide a secure, loving home for the Center’s residents, some of whom have lived here for more than 40 years.

YOU can play a large part in the day-to-day lives of the residents who call St. Louis Center home. We are so very grateful for your generosity!

Sharing with others is an expression of our love and increases our personal capacity to love.

It is through the kindness of the many supporters that St. Louis Center continues to provide care and dignity to those who reside in our community. There are many ways one can share with the residents of St. Louis Center and we appreciate them all.

77% of donations received go to the care of the Center’s residents. According to the 2022 audit, St. Louis Center administrative and overhead expenses were only 23%, in line with well-managed nonprofit best practices. You can be confident that your donation to the Center is going to good use.

Please join us as we continue to build our legacy of loving care. Donate today.
St. Louis Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Federal Tax ID: 38-6038121