Day at the Capitol
Hosted by Sen. Lana Theis
June 29, 2022 | 8:30am – 1:00pm
Binsfeld Office Building
201 Townsend Street, Suite #5500
Lansing, MI 48933
What are the State Issues to Address?
St. Louis Center and similar facilities are currently under Heightened Scrutiny by the State of Michigan according to the State’s Five Year Transition Plan under the guidance of DHHS. Federal pass-through funding from CMS for Home and Community Based Services is at risk due to continually changing State Department Regulations.
Why Should I Care?
You have been invited to attend this event because there are constituents from your District who would like to share their stories with you concerning their family members with I/DD and why St. Louis Center is important to them.
What are the challenges St. Louis Center is facing?
St. Louis Center is facing financial difficulties due to:
- Benevolent care provided
- Low reimbursement rates by CMH
- Funding not following the individuals
The Center has found that:
- Licensing is taking a more adversarial approach.
- MDHHS interpretation is stricter than CMS in regards to HCBS.
- CMS is letting the State decide what it means to be in compliance with HCBS requirements.
- Heightened Scrutiny is based on a very poorly constructed survey and questions.
What will you learn at this event?
You will learn:
- Who we are as parents and guardians,
- What kind of needs the families have,
- Family stories,
- Why families have chose St. Louis Center
History of St. Louis Center
St. Louis Center in Chelsea, MI was established in 1960 by the Archdiocese of Detroit as St. Louis School for Exceptional Boys. The Center cares for 56 men and women of various races, ages 18 and over, with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) from all over Michigan.
Guanellian Values
Building on our Christian tradition and the spirituality of St. Louis Guanella, with attention to the needs and signs of our times, we value:
- Loving those we serve with a generous heart
- Promoting the God-given dignity of each person
- Encouraging self determination, spiritual growth, and community integration
- Serving joyfully with respect, compassion, and hope
- Working for justice, especially for those most in need
By invitation only…
Please let us know you wish to attend by
submitting the form to the below,
calling Kassie at 734-475-8430 x261,
or emailing!
Founded in 1960, St. Louis Center is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) residential community in Chelsea, MI serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Our programs are licensed by the State of Michigan and the agency is accredited by CARF, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
St. Louis Center will be a leader in providing innovative and comprehensive services to people with I/DD and their families. The Center provides an integrated community to allow people of all capabilities to enjoy the fullness of life.