Live Here
A Home for Your Loved One
St. Louis Center is committed to providing those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with residential services and care that is safe, a culture that promotes rights, and one that provides each individual a care plan that ensures a constant focus on strengthening mind, body and spirit.
We provide residential year-round care to adult men and women with I/DD ages 18 and up. We also provide day programs and respite care with strong family and guardian support.
Learn more about St. Louis Center programs, residential services and care, enrichment, and family support for people with I/DD. We welcome you to visit the St. Louis Guanella Village and Homes either virtually by viewing the photo galleries or schedule a tour to come see us in person.
Did you know… Since 1960, St. Louis Center has served over 750 people with I/DD.
Services, Programs, Enrichment
St. Louis Center enriches the lives of our residents, families, and day program attendees through engagement, activity and community connection.
“The promotion of the whole person, according to each one’s capabilites, is the main objective of our work.” – Basic Document for the Guanellian Mission
Commitment to Service
St. Louis Center is a nonprofit organization run by the Servants of Charity, an order of priests and brothers founded by St. Louis Guanella in the early 20th Century. The Center is open to individuals of all faiths and backgrounds. As part of the four central Guanellian Mission Principles, St. Louis Center seeks to provide residential services and care to individuals with I/DD that will help each reach his or her full potential. In addition to staff social work specialists, nurses, and direct care supervisors, the Center also engages with a number of other therapists and experts to support residents.
Programs to Engage
St. Louis Center’s continuum of care is provided by staff and consists of its services, programs, and spaces and places. As the needs of residents continue to grow and change, so do the Center’s programs.
Culture of Care
Innovative approaches help residents live full, happy, healthy lives. Creating an environment that encourages residents to stay engaged and active and helping them feel supported is an important part of making life at the Center enjoyable and more fulfilling. They are a big part of why the residents truly love their home here.
Learn more about Programs, Residential Services and Care at St. Louis Center.
Family Support and Resources
The Center’s Social Work, Nursing, and Residential Programs staff work closely with families and guardians to provide the highest level of care. The Family Association allows families to meet and support each other in a variety of settings, and we offer a Respite Care program to provide caregivers with an opportunity for a temporary break.
When necessary, overnight accommodations for parents and caregivers can be made available. Click here to learn more about St. Louis Center family support and resources.
Family/ Guardian Support
Day Program & Respite Care
Navigating through available resources for a person with intellectual and developmental disabilities is often overwhelming. How can I afford care, where do I find others in my situation, where can I find a spiritual outlet, and what does that acronym mean are just a few of the questions we receive on a regular basis. To answer these, St. Louis Center has gathered commonly sought after, primarily local resources with which we have either worked with or have heard good things about.
Click below for more information on resources available to families, including an overview, financial sources, support systems and activities, spiritual support, and commonly used terminology.
Family Association
Parents, guardians, and siblings support one another in many ways.
Family members get to know each other by volunteering for St. Louis Center activities or choosing to participate in various events.
Another way to meet family members is to become a member of St. Louis Center Family Association. You can learn more about the Family Association here. Click the link below to fill out the form to become a member.
Are you already a member of the St. Louis Center Family Association? Login to St. Louis Center Family Pages by clicking on “Family Login” to the upper right of any page on our site.
Learn more about Family Resources and Support.
What is it like to have a loved one live at St. Louis Center?
Meet some of the residents and read their families’ stories of how they came to call St. Louis Center their home.
Snapshots of Summer
In summer, the days move lazily along. It is a season of freedom, where each day invites adventure...
Glowing into the Night
Some events come and go quietly, while others become beloved traditions. The Glow Party at St....
2023 Resident Christmas Program
The 2023 Holiday season is always marked with a Christmas Program performed by the residents of...
St. Louis Center Village and Homes
St. Louis Center is a CARF accredited facility and service provider to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Our faith-based culture, which is open to residents of all faiths and backgrounds, promotes a home environment that encourages individual growth so each resident can reach his or her full potential. We continue to develop and expand opportunities available to the residents through the Legacy Project. All of the homes on our 180-acre campus are licensed through the State of Michigan.
Village Amenities and Home Comforts
We invite those who are interested in residency to tour of the beautiful St. Louis Center campus located in the rural rolling hills of Chelsea, Michigan. Amenities include the Welcome & Orientation Center, Chapel, Gymnasium, Playground & Park, Sports Fields, Walking Trails, Life Enrichment Area, Snoezelen Therapy Room, and Residents’ Gardens.
- Learn more here about homes for men and women with I/DD and cottages for family living.
- Contact us to schedule a tour if you are interested in touring any of our facilities.
Interested in seeing our campus? Contact us for an on-site tour.
Criteria for Resident Admission
Browse through the tabs below to learn about the admissions process.
Resident Admission
Perhaps you recognize that the level of time, resources and energy to care for your loved one is growing beyond what you may be able to provide. Deciding what living arrangement is best for the loved one with intellectual and developmental disabilities in your care can be the hardest decision you will ever have to make. Fortunately, we have a caring and supportive staff who can help you through this process.
We at St. Louis Center understand that any person with I/DD is not defined by his or her disability, but is a rich, complex individual with likes and dislikes, talents, and limitations like all of us. We believe that every person, regardless of limitations, deserves respect and opportunity for improving his or her life.
If you are interested in having your family member reside at St. Louis Center, please browse through the pages here to learn about the admissions process and feel free to contact the Social Work Department at (734) 475-8430 directly for more information.
Ready for the next step? Schedule a tour of St. Louis Center or begin the application process.
Criteria for Admission
Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities at varying degrees of ability are admitted without regard to race, religion, economic status, cultural background or national origin. At this time, St. Louis Center serves the needs of men and women ages 18 and older.
Prospective residents must have an IQ of 70 or below and a diagnosed disability. Many individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities also have substantial limitations in three or more of the following areas:
- Self care
- Receptive and expressive language
- Learning
- Mobility
- Self-direction
- Capacity for independent living
- Economic self-sufficiency
Ready for the next step? Schedule a tour of St. Louis Center or begin the application process.
Financing a Residential Stay
Residential services and care can be extremely expensive, but there are typically several sources of funds available to individuals and families to assist in defraying these costs. Determinations on placement costs are made on a case-by-case basis and are dependent upon resident needs and abilities. The average cost of stay at St. Louis Center can exceed $6,000 per month depending on the services needed.
Social Security benefits are utilized in combination with either private support or Medicaid to cover the costs of residential services. It is important to know how the Department of Health & Human Services works when beginning this process, as applying for Medicaid in the wrong county can place substantial barriers in the path of securing desired services.
St. Louis Center staff stand ready to assist families and individuals in navigating the various agencies to secure funding for services.
Ready for the next step? Schedule a tour of St. Louis Center or begin the application process.
How to Apply
If you wish to consider having your loved one reside at St. Louis Center, we begin with an interview and evaluation to determine if we have the capability to provide the care he or she requires and programs that address his or her needs. We encourage family members and guardians to visit in order to meet the staff and see what we do and how we do it. Contact the Social Work Department to inquire about a tour here.
A typical admission, from time of inquiry to admission, usually takes two to three weeks, although this process can be accelerated in the case of an emergency placement.
You may begin the resident admissions application process by either online or hard copy:
- Fill out and submit the ONLINE FORM
~ or ~ - Print the St. Louis Center Resident Application Form and mail or fax the completed form to St. Louis Center at 734-475-0310.
After the initial interview, application materials must be completed by the applicant and additional information will be sent to the applicant from St. Louis Center. Upon admission, the new resident will be assigned to one of the social workers and will work with a team to develop his or her unique program and individual goals.